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Amazon Cloud Services by SupaanaSolutions


With the popularity of cloud native applications architecture, cloud security is gaining traction. In this article, we will explore AWS STS service which finds a place in AWS recommended best security practices guidelines. AWS STS (Security Token service) is a free web-based service which is used to generate temporary security credentials with limited privilege to […]

cloud bursting

In real world environments sometimes, we come across scenarios where customers private cloud infrastructure running at in-house, or Colo datacentre environments is not able to efficiently manage the workloads with seasonal load spikes or varied demand patterns. This problem can be solved by using cloud bursting which dynamically uses hybrid cloud to scale up the […]

basic guidelines to secure AWS cloud environment

Cloud technology has paved the way for accelerated innovation, elastic scaling, serverless computing, agility, and cost optimisation of workloads. Security has always been a baseline for well architected frameworks. Increasing popularity of flexible work schedules, remote work environments and global clientele have enhanced the focus on this discipline. Security and compliance are always a shared […]

Hybrid Cloud – Scale vpn tunnel capacity to overcome performance degradation

Site-to-Site VPN helps you to establish a secure and encrypted tunnel for smooth traffic flow between on-premises datacenter/branch office to your virtual cloud network (AWS / AZURE or any other public cloud). Primarily, two tunnels are set up in Active and Standby configuration setup to achieve redundancy and high availability in network. The problem arises […]

AWS Organizations- Central Management of multiple AWS accounts

Are you looking for a way to centrally manage and govern your multi-account AWS environment without incurring any extra charges? If yes, then you should check out AWS Organizations service. In this article, we will explore AWS Organization service and the benefits it offers. AWS Organization is a service placed under Management and Governance category […]

AWS Global Accelerator – Improve performance for global users

AWS Global Accelerator – Improve performance for global users

What is AWS Global Accelerator- In this article, I will give you an overview of AWS Global Accelerator which is a fully managed network layer service from AWS cloud. This service was introduced by AWS in Invent 2018 conference. With AWS Global Accelerator, you can improve availability and performance of your internet applications for your […]

Cloud programming languages for developers in 2022 and beyond

In today’s age, every organization is using a software in one form or another. All these software’s are powered by various programming languages which collaborates with various other components in a software stack to bring a business idea to life. With cloud native applications gaining traction, popularity of cloud programming languages has also multiplied. In […]

Cloud Migrations – Why do some fail and how to prevent failure

Cloud Migrations – Why do some fail and how to prevent failure

“Lessons learnt from analytical observations not only makes your growth curve steeper by reducing the learning time but also helps you in efficient execution of plans”. This holds true for a cloud migration project as well. As per a Nutanix survey report 85% of the respondents moved or were planning to move nearly half of […]