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AWS Organizations- Central Management of multiple AWS accounts

Are you looking for a way to centrally manage and govern your multi-account AWS environment without incurring any extra charges? If yes, then you should check out AWS Organizations service. In this article, we will explore AWS Organization service and the benefits it offers. AWS Organization is a service placed under Management and Governance category […]

AWS Global Accelerator – Improve performance for global users

AWS Global Accelerator – Improve performance for global users

What is AWS Global Accelerator- In this article, I will give you an overview of AWS Global Accelerator which is a fully managed network layer service from AWS cloud. This service was introduced by AWS in Invent 2018 conference. With AWS Global Accelerator, you can improve availability and performance of your internet applications for your […]

Cloud programming languages for developers in 2022 and beyond

In today’s age, every organization is using a software in one form or another. All these software’s are powered by various programming languages which collaborates with various other components in a software stack to bring a business idea to life. With cloud native applications gaining traction, popularity of cloud programming languages has also multiplied. In […]